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Thursday Night Singles Meet-Up

April 25 - May 16
7:00pm - 8:30pm
Bayside | Granite Bay

Every Thursday we create a space of connection, worship, and learning where Singles can find a place to belong!

This 4-week series is designed to help explore warning signs found in the scriptures that indicate potential dangers, pitfalls, or areas of caution for believers. Drawing from various passages and stories in the Bible, we'll learn to identify and understand these red flags within the context of our own lives.

Through discussion and reflection, we'll learn how to navigate these red flags (within ourselves and others) with wisdom and discernment from the Holy Spirit.

Stay up-to-date with all things Singles at Bayside and add yourself to our FB group below!

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Event Venue

Bayside | Granite Bay

8191 Sierra College Blvd. 95661.