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Tuesday AM | Jude – By Jackie Hill Perry

September 17
9:15am - 11:30pm
Worship Center | Granite Bay

Tuesday AM

Jude – Contending for the Faith in Today’s Culture

By Jackie Hill Perry

Time: 9:15-11:30 AM

Location: Granite Bay Campus/ Worship Center

Cost: $30 Study book included/ Registration is Non-Refundable.

Children's Ministry is available with separate registration for children from 8-week-olds to Kindergartners.

Called. Loved. Kept. These are the themes of the Book of Jude, a brief yet profound letter nestled near the end of the New Testament. Jude has much to teach us about how to live in our current cultural moment. Its compact yet powerful message encourages readers to remain steadfast in their beliefs, to be wary of deceptive influences, and to live lives that reflect the holiness of God. This 7-session study features dynamic teachings from Jackie Hill Perry with her characteristic passion for pointing others to Jesus in grace and truth.

Come join us for an encouraging morning with friends and a good cup of coffee – we’re saving a spot just for you!


Questions? Contact Kristen Tinucci at Kristen.Tinucci@baysideonline.com

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