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Women’s Bible Study — Tuesday PM — God of Deliverance by Jen Wilkin

September 20 - November 22
6:30pm - 8:00pm

Listen to Jen Wilkin on this series

The book of Exodus is the account of God rescuing the children of Israel from Egypt and forging a special relationship with them. No longer under the protection of their forefather Joseph, the children of Israel became slaves to the Egyptians. But God was raising up a deliverer in Moses, to lead His people from bondage to freedom. The exodus of the Israelites shapes our understanding of the whole Bible, its themes reverberating all the way to Revelation.

Come join us for this 10-session study and discover that Israel’s story is our story: the same God who delivered Israel also delivers all those He loves from slavery to sin and from service to the pharaohs of this world. He lifts our eyes to the promised land He has prepared where we dwell with I AM and worship Him as the one true God.

We invite you to join us for this fresh approach to reading and understanding the Bible as you enjoy a relaxed time with friends, old and new.

Shepherding Coordinators: Jessica Moore, Tracy Mano
Administrative Coordinators:
Dale Minatoya (dale.minatoya@baysideonline.com)
Mila Rodriguez (Mila.rodriguez@baysideonline.com)
Hospitality Coordinator: Tami Homen

Onsite Childcare will not be available.